(Retrived from: http://anadoptivefamilyslife-thedanielsons.blogspot.com/2010/11/hes-like-light-switch-and-you-never.html)
Imagine...you wake up early in the morning and its still dark, you reach over and switch on the light. How did you know were your arm was in relation to the light switch? This is your proprioceptive sense in action.
When working with a child to calm a hyper-responsive proprioceptive system or providing activities for a child who is avoiding proprioceptive input therapeutic activities should include:
Sustained moderate to deep pressure of the whole body or proximal joints (Case-Smith, 1998).
Specific activity ideas:
Swaddling activities such as ‘hot dog’
Pulling on stretchy objects like Thera-Band
Pushing/pulling/carrying heavy objects to build a fort
Pushing a swing
Carrying shopping or boxes
Arousing a hypo-responsive system or activities for a child seeking proprioceptive input
Therapeutic activities should include:
Whole body movement (Case-Smith, 1998)
Specific activity ideas:
Leaping onto a crash pad or bed
Obstacle courses
Playing with rope e.g. jumping, pulling etc.
Playing in boxes or tunnels
Carry, push or pull heavy items
Case-Smith, J. (1998). Pediatric occupational therapy and early intervention (2nd ed.). Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Kranowitz, C. S. (2003). The out-of-sync child has fun. New York: Penguin Putnam Inc.
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